Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Monday morning I awake in <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>, in a crappy hotel but at least not one with drunk people singing. Instead I wake up to a horrible loud obnoxious continuing screech from the plumbing whenever the person next door takes a shower, but that's possibly not as bad. The room is a decent size and there's a pool and a treadmill, so no huge complaints. The weekend was uneventful following an interesting <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> which I spent actually saving someone - a <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> was having a <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> and we were tasked to transport her by air from a small town in rural <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> to a hospital in <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>. The rescue itself went off without a hitch so in order to avoid setting the bar too high for the upcoming <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> I nearly <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>. Oops!

Anyway, as I said I awake. Some exercise, shower shave brush teeth, healthy breakfast and a short commute bring me to <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> which is the earliest I can show at work due to my <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> land time. On the way to work I call my home unit MPF for words on my orders but get no answer, I suspect that office is closed for inspection readiness training and won't be picking up before the afternoon. I arrive at the squadron with a <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> for the maintenance troops (don't ask) and someone immediately asks if I have my orders yet. I reply no. They tell me they need orders to book my flights to <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>. I inform them I know this and mentioned it to my commander on <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>. They ask if there's anyone I can call. I give them a number or two and inquire about my boots. Boots are still on order. I drive across base to medical to get my <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> shot. They tell me their computer is down and it will be a <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> wait, and regardless they won't give me the shot unless I have my orders. I drive back and on the way someone from my home unit calls and tells me MPF is closed for inspection prep but that they're trying to work my orders. I get back to the squadron and someone else asks if I have orders yet. I reply no. I ask where to get <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> for my <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> vest, nobody seems to know. Someone from home calls and asks if they've booked my flights to <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>. I reply no, I need my orders first. They say I should have them. I agree profusely and ask them to contact MPF. They say they can't, they're <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> tonight and have to plan. Besides MPF is closed today. Someone sees me on the phone and asks if I'm getting my orders. I hang up and say they should be here soon. I try to do some <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> planning but get interrupted by another phone call from home from someone new, saying they've got an email from MPF stating they can't finalize my orders until I get a signiture from medical certifying I've had all my shots to include <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>.

A this point I give up and go <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>>. At <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> we land, short commute back to the hotel, set alarm, sleep. <<CENSORED FOR OPSEC>> was about the same.

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