Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Largest Gathering of its Kind... as Many Years

Other possibilities for the title of this blog included

"The Night of the Arctic Barn or Lisa's Dream Wedding"

"18 Hour Shift"

"Too Much to Drink for 200"

However all of these are old news. I chose the current title because it is happening now. We are experiencing one of the coldest snowiest winters Scotland has seen in 25 years. Apart from other implications; transportation limited due to scotland's unpreparedness for such conditions, excellent skiing, us being really cold here at the hotel, pipes freezing etc; the recent freeze lends itself to the sport of curling. The Lake of Montieth, which lies a short distance south of monachyle mhor, will potentially hold the largest curling event the uk has ever seen. The Grand Match as they call it was last held in 1979, the last time conditions permitted. It isnt actually until tuesday, but the last remaining staff here at the hotel will head down there today (Saturday) just to see whats happening.

I would love mention a few things about these other titles, but they will have to wait for another blog, as its already 1 in the afternoon and we need to get going.

suffice to say xmas, new years and the wedding are all finished and went as smooth as could be expected. all the guests and most of the staff are finally gone. just a handful of us now. nicki and i will hang around til thurs. maybe get in a day of scottish skiing. they have a couple of days in edinburgh before our flight to Grenoble on saturday.

all my love

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