Sunday, February 14, 2010

Keeping the Home Fires Burning.
Surprise, here is a random contribution from the ones left guarding the bags, so to speak. We still count as part of the team, so here's what it's like from our end ...
Under "Life goes on" we have working at Bart including meetings, capitol verses operating budgets, homeland security, the commute and so on. Also, house and home, dogs, pond life, spirituality and recreation. All goes on much the same as usual.
For "Seasonal Changes" we have fog and rain and clouds giving way to large patches of blue sky and sunshine beginning to make itself felt. Weeds sprouting alarmingly all over the yard/creek/neighborhood/town. Bulbs bravely poking their little heads up amongst it all - crocuses, tulips, daffodils and some surprise things that I planted and forgot about. Buds forming on the hydrangeas and wisteria and camellias out in full force in the front yard.

Stetson has been back for a few days and Rutland just put in her first appearance as I was typing this sentence, no kidding.

We are enjoying the fire pit on the patio every chance we get, sitting in the great outdoors cocooned in our own little circle of warmth and light and love :-) Australian open over, we move on to SAP open in San Jose this week and soon Pac Life Open in Indian Wells, and on the telly, starting today, the Race is on.
Under "Supporting our Troops" we can list car covers x 2 (custom fit, no less) for Ben's cars,

packing up and storing Jo's things, faithfully searching for and reading blogs twice daily (if not hourly) and - our new way to exercise creativity - care packages! Don't worry Ross, yours is in the works. It is just a bit harder to think of things that we could send that you don't already have in superior form where you are. I still actually think you should be sending packages to everyone else ... haggis anyone?
"New and Exciting" has to start with the Work Shop (not shed). All consuming. Taking up every inch of space in the yard, every spare minute of Dad's evening/week-end time and large chunks of budget. It will be GREAT when it's finished. Could even turn into a second career/home. Well worth all the above.

A close second in this section is Grandma's visit - countdown is at T-14 :-D We are going to make the most of having her to ourselves for the first time ever. Also in this section we have the new and (the jury is still out on this) improved street view due to neighbors installing solar panels and consequently cutting down large, decades old tree. Opens things up a bit ...

Oh, and also my new camera - how am I doing so far?
Final category is "Ways to Take Minds off Stuff". Here we can include running, spinning, Louie, chocolate, facebook, reading, plays, dining in or out, playing cards, pumping iron(?), helping other people and now blogging.
Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. What the WHAT is up with the mangling of our neighborhoodscape?! I didn't even recognize that as our street! Outrage! There should be laws! the first thing I'm doing after this year is moving back to Diablo View and establishing a HOME OWNERS' ASSOCIATION so that the neighborhood's vets can be consulted before extreme and unwelcome change takes place the minute our backs are turned.

    Other than THAT, loved the guest post! I say you guys should have a monthly spot on the blog.
